Aluminium coupon testing services at Powdertech

How can you be certain that TiZr pre-treatment will give you the bond strength and durability that you need?


At Powdertech Surface Science we provide a range of test services, including the full range of aluminium coupon tests:

  • adhesion/ cohesion

  • lap shear

  • T-peel

  • tensile

  • fatigue testing

We can show that our TiZr pre-treatment, also known as TiZr passivation, matches anodising for enhancing aluminium bond strength.

Whether you require data for your customer or end user, or simply the peace of mind that TiZr pre-treatment will be a suitable and successful choice, our on-site test facilities can provide the reassurance needed.

Instron mechanical testing machine

Instron 34TM-50, an electromechanical universal testing machine

Why Powdertech?

  • We have over 20 years’ experience in optimizing TiZr pre-treatment for bonding purposes.

  • We are equipped to generate test reports within a time frame of two weeks, making us comparatively faster than many specialist test houses.

  • You have the option to choose between providing your own coupons to be tested or having tests made on aluminium coupons which we can provide for various different alloys.

  • We have a dedicated engineering and technical team on hand to discuss the merits of various surface finishes and how they could work for your project.

    Our facilities and in-house TiZr expertise make Powdertech the best place for you to determine whether this pre-treatment process will deliver the bonding results you need. 

    Contact us to discuss your requirements

Aluminium coupons ready for testing
Powder coated aluminium coupons for surface treatment testing

Two new positions filled at Powdertech


TiZr Passivation, a smarter choice for consistent bonding and welding of aluminium